Nancy Stubbs

Kolbe & Big Leap Conscious Leadership

Primary Care Coach

Nancy Stubbs is an Executive Coach with 20 years experience. She is going through ongoing meditation and somatic-based presenting skill development/mastery.


Kolbe Certified™ Consultant; helping clients discover their Zones of Geniuses


  • 15+ years of Human resources and group facilitation experience

  • 15+ years of enrollment consultant at The Hendricks Institute

  • Industries: telecommunications, electric/nuclear power, global financial services, hospitality, music, self/relationship development.


  • Certified Big Leap Coach, The Hendricks Institute (2002)

  • Graduate of The Hendricks Institute 2-year Leadership and Transformation Program (LAT; 2004)

  • 1-year Graduate program (2006). BA in Business Management

  • 4 years of intuitive development classes, study groups, and intensive practice

  • Professional training and certifications: leadership development, HR-related content/skills, communications skills, productivity, group dynamics, training, and facilitation
