Matthew Sanderson

Breathwork Facilitator & Leadership Coach

Specialty Coach

Matthew Sanderson has experience with individuals, couples, and groups, in person and virtual for both breathwork and leadership.



Help others with personal development and mindfulness

  • Founder of the Tara Center, OneBreath, and Breath of Life Training, combining breathwork, yogic practices, and qi-qong, with mindfulness and personal development coaching

  • 20 years experience guiding breathwork and meditation and holding space for deep transformation, healing, and awakening

  • Instructor of many forms of pranayama, hatha and kriya yogas, Taoist yoga

  • Trained in Vipassana (Insight Meditation, Barre, MA) under Jack Kornfield

  • Founder of three biotech startups


  • Certified Usui Reiki Master Instructor, Nutritionist, Structural Integration, and Myofascial release therapist

  • Degrees in Biology and Environmental Science
