Matthew Sanderson
Breathwork Facilitator & Leadership Coach
Specialty Coach
Matthew Sanderson has experience with individuals, couples, and groups, in person and virtual for both breathwork and leadership.
Help others with personal development and mindfulness
Founder of the Tara Center, OneBreath, and Breath of Life Training, combining breathwork, yogic practices, and qi-qong, with mindfulness and personal development coaching
20 years experience guiding breathwork and meditation and holding space for deep transformation, healing, and awakening
Instructor of many forms of pranayama, hatha and kriya yogas, Taoist yoga
Trained in Vipassana (Insight Meditation, Barre, MA) under Jack Kornfield
Founder of three biotech startups
Certified Usui Reiki Master Instructor, Nutritionist, Structural Integration, and Myofascial release therapist
Degrees in Biology and Environmental Science