Dustin Diperna

Mind Training Coach & Meditation Teacher

Specialty Coach

Dustin Diperna is a recognized expert in meditation, positive psychology, and spirituality. Through his facilitation and writing, Dustin makes timeless wisdom relevant and accessible to the modern practitioner.



Help others discover their journey through meditation and spirituality

  • Co-Editor in Chief for CredibleMind, an online platform that connects users to the best, evidenced-based resources

  • Founder of Bright Alliance, curating of a series of books on human potential, and publishing sacred texts, including several translations of advanced Tibetan meditation masterpieces that have never before been distributed in English

  • Currently teaches and helps organize events internationally through Evolve Foundation, where he regularly shares his wisdom in the US, Mexico, and China

  • Facilitator at Esalen Institute. Lecturer at Stanford University’s School of Medicine

  • Author and editor of five books, including Streams of Wisdom and Purpose Rising


  • Holds an undergraduate degree from Cornell University and a graduate degree in Religion from Harvard University

  • 15+ years of training in studying of Integral Theory with American philosopher Ken Wilber

  • 12+ years of practice training to teach meditation in the spiritual lineages of Mahamudra and Dzogchen under the direction of Dr. Daniel P. Brown
