Chris Yeh

Scaling Impact Thinking Partner & Coach


Chris Yeh is the co-author, along with Reid Hoffman, of Blitzscaling, the book that explains how to build world-changing companies like Amazon, Alibaba, and Airbnb in record time. A writer, investor, and entrepreneur, Chris has had a ringside seat in the world of startups and scaleups since 1995.


Online advertising, online marketing, sales management, lead generation, product management, market research, product marketing, entrepreneurship, general management


  • Co-author of "Blitzscaling" and co-author of the New York Times best-seller, "The Alliance: Managing Talent in the Networked Age."

  • Founding Partner at Blitzscaling Ventures

  • Co-Founder and Partner at Allied Talent

  • General partner at Wasabi Ventures Global and Women's Startup Lab Fund

  • Co-Founder of Blitzscaling Academy

  • VP of Marketing at Dokkio and at PBworks

  • Start-up advisor at various companies

  • Board Member at Silicon Valley Forum

  • Former CEO at Ustream.TV, Product Manager at D. E. Shaw & Co., L.P., and Chief Marketing Officer at Target



  • B.S. in Product Design and B.A. in Creative Writing at Stanford University

  • MBA at Harvard University